Monday, June 10, 2024

Review for All I Know by Holly C Labarbera


Rating: 5 Stars!! 


Thank you to Books Forward for sending me this FREE EBOOK to promote and review for Holly as part of their Book Tour this week.  

This was my first time reading a novel by Holly so I wasn't sure what to expect but I have to say I really enjoyed this one mainly because I could relate to especially with The Grief since Losing My Dad.  

The Characters were fun and enjoyable to read about. Kade was definitely my favorite especially since I felt for since she couldn't seem to catch a break since everytime she turned around something bad happened.  

The Setting was beautifully described which made me feel like I was actually in the book while reading especially when the scenery was described.  

Overall a wonderfully written Literary Novel about going through hard times. Can't wait to read more by Holly in the future!!

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