Monday, June 24, 2024

Review for Acquired (The XX Pandemic #1) by ES Tremayne

 Rating: 5 Stars!! 


Thank you to Books Forward for sending me this FREE E-Arc to promote and review for ES as part of their Book Tour this week.  

This was my first time reading a Book let alone in a series by ES so I wasnt sure what to expect but I have to say I throughly enjoyed this one which I wasnt sure if I would considering it was written during COVID19. 

The Characters were fun and enjoyable to read about. Cyn was definitely my favorite. The determination they had to find out why this was happening was so good to see. 

The Setting was wonderfully described which made me feel like I was in 2020 again. 

Overall a Good Book 1 in this Apocalyptic Distopian Series about Covid19 Pandemic. Can't wait to read more by ES in the future. 

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