🍀🍀🍀 💚💚💚March TBR🍀🍀🍀💚💚💚
How is it possible that it's March already?! At least Spring is only 18 Days away, right?! which means flowers will be blooming soon. (In North Carolina Daffodils are already in bloom, only reason i know that is cause one of my cousins down there posted a photo on Facebook recently of her gorgeous Daffodils).
This Month i'll be doing 2 Reading Challenges:
Murder Mystery TBR Challenge (Disney Edition)
Pick My TBR
So my reading wont be in order of the photo above tho i think i'll end up starting with Historical Fiction again (haha!! I think that's my go to Genre this year).
I'll also being doing 2 Prompts for 2022 Reading Challenge for Mystery and Tree on the Cover, thankfully i have 4 book options for those just have to decide which of the 4 books ill use for those.
I think that's it for now. Let me know in the comments below what you plan to read this month!!
As Always,
Happy Reading :)!!