Saturday, August 24, 2024

Review for Capturing Hope (Heroes of WW2 #12) by Angela K Couch

 Rating: 5 Stars!! 


Thank you to Barbour Publishing's Review Crew for picking me to receive this FREE Paperback Copy to promote and review for them as part of their review crew.

This was my first time reading a Historical Fiction Novel by Angela Couch let alone in a series so I wasn't sure what to expect but I have to say I really like the way she wrote this book her storytelling Style and just overall all the information she included about The Poland Invasion in 1939 during World War 2.

The Characters were really fun and interesting to read about. 

Nadia and David were definitely my favorites. At first I felt like David was a little pushy with Nadia when she just wanted to stay there in Poland to make sure that all of her friends were okay during The Invasion but David insisted that she leave Poland because that's what her parents wanted for her to get out of a country that has Germans attacking them and didn't want their daughter to be in the crossfire of that, which I totally understand but the same time if somebody doesn't want to leave their country just because there's a war is it really right to force them to leave?!

The Setting was so beautifully described about Poland and all the buildings the scenery everything made me feel like I was actually there in 1939 Poland while I was reading this book especially when there was a bombing that happened well it wasn't really a bombing but they thought it was a bombing it was actually a German plane that ran into a house a couple doors down from where Nadia and David were staying and those people lost their lives that was a really heartbreaking scene to read but at the same time I feel like Angela did really well with describing that making the reader feel like they were actually in the book when that happened.

A lot of what I read reminding me of stories that My Grandma(My Dad's Mom) would tell about growing up in Liverpool England during the war and how there was an apartment at least a block away maybe a couple stories away their house got bombed and those people lost their home I can't remember if those people died or not I think they did but remember my grandma talking about that and how hard it was hurt for her to describe that because she remembered that from the time she was like 12 years old when that happened.

Overall a very well written historical fiction about the Poland invasion in 1939.

I would like to see this book have another book after it from Angela just to continue the story of Nadia and David because I would like to see how their lives ended up after the war like toward the end of the book we kind of found that out but not really but I'd like to see how they were doing in the 50s and 60s and so on.

Can't wait to read more by Angela in the future!!

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