Saturday, August 31, 2024

Review for The Flower Sisters by Michelle Collins Anderson

 Rating: 5 Stars!! 


First off, Thank you to Kensington Publishing for picking me to win this FREE ARC Copy back in April as part of a giveaway in their Email Newsletter.  

This was my first time reading a Historical Fiction Novel by Michelle so I wasnt sure what to expect but I have to say I really enjoyed this one especially since it was based on the 1928 Dance Hall Explosion in St Louis Missouri, an event I didn't know existed til I read this book. 

The Characters were fun and enjoyable to read about. Daisy, Rose, Dash, Hazel, Smiley, Violet-Rose. Loved learning about their backgrounds and connections to the story and to each other.  

The Setting was beautifully described which made me feel like I was actually in 1928 and 1978 St Louis Missouri while reading especially when the scenery was described. 

I do hope this book will have a Sequel since I felt the ending very open and could be continued.  

Overall a Phenomenally Historically Filled Novel about Sisters who work in their Fathers Funeral Home!! Can't wait to read more by Michelle in the future!! 

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